শনিবার, ২৭ Jul ২০২৪, ০৮:৫২ পূর্বাহ্ন

Science Poetry in Age of Science. By Hasnain Sajjadi


———————————————————————————————By Hasnain Sajjadi

Literature is the extract of the civilization. Human civilization proceeded through passing over different epochs and periods. The time is now staying in science era through passing over cavern epoch, rock epoch, revolutionary period, ancient epoch, middle epoch and modern time. Also similar in literature, now the Science poetries are the present chapter of Bengali poetries successively through Chorjapodo, Mongolkabya (poem in praise of the deity), Sreekrishno Kirton (hallelujah), Boshnob Podaboli (collection/anthology of songs), Nath literature, Puthi literature, Poem movement of new stream or first part of modern poem, modernism poetries or second part of modern poem post modern poets and Magic Realism etc.

How is Poet? What is Poet? How is great, how is honest, who is learned who is truthful and who is surpassing he is poet. What will be written by poet that is the poetry. But in it art of poetry to be existence. Hidden fine arts is the beauty of the poetry. Poet will look the truth, will look advance, will write pre-advance and he will aware the nation in his writing. But condition is that there must have interest. In Snskriti the poet is told devotee of truth and even after told tropics is told Kaibang Bakong Rosathakam. That means poetry must be interesting and enjoyable.

So only word making cannot be matter of poetry. Not only in Chemistry, Beauty and taste and truth, nice, pre-advance bathed with light of time, Charming, awareness of the next day and sign of possibility is the poetry. Here is the question of the mentality of science. Theme, language and thinking of the poetry to be ascertained. If science follows thinking of mind ensure pre-progress and human welfare: Advance and progress of the poetry is not made less it is true. As a result with the advent of poetry lovers community they have possessed a big part of it. Due to necessity of time such as change of honesty and great thinking has come, influence of time in poetry is observed. One time poetry is found as a way and part of Bishnu. Somebody look poetry as an excellent matter. Many of them make different opinion, if admit it then the me and ornamentation lost its existence. Rabindra Nath Tagore in his poetry criticize tried differentiate internal external mater and given equal right in charming and formation of the poetry. In other meaning motto of the poetry is to consider the me and ornamentation of poet which are deeply joint with it. As a result Otto of the poetry to take time and it is the main point to see. Science poetry thinking is obtained relevantness here.

Literature writer Monnotvotta told “Kaibang Jasase”. That means in poetry writing necessity of fame, money and use of people is inevitable. Coming to the age of science poetry is considering as devastation of evil, giving message of peace and to raise poetry as a media of advice. With it to alert and aware nation is considered as religion of the poet. To fell truth and to save from disaster, inspire not go against the nature is also the work of the poet. Bengali poetry started by religious poetry and learning. World great poetry Eliyard, Adicio is the religious poet of Homar. Bengali Literature Srikrishna Kithan, Mongal Poetry, Baishnab Padaboli, Nath Sahitha etc included in religious poetry. As a result in one stage it is told result of the poetry will be religion that means welfare for human society. Now in the place of religion has come science and in place of human welfare has come to mark problem of age of science and inspire the nation to solve it. Ornamented poets must “Kaibang Baikangmalam Kritham” that means think ornamentation is the object of the poetry. Now quality of poetry is also fulfilled by its ornamentation. So Bamah in that age did not admit or support it as poetry. Here also two kinds of excellence and charm is worth considerable. Thinking condial ornamentation of the beauty of the poetry and admitting beauty of the mind of the poet my compiled science poetry in the age of science it is possible to make advance of the poetry revolution. Example, introductions and art science thinking is the demand of time. Thinking instance as comparison ignored the knowledge and false imagination from the past to till now. At present advent of science making instance uninvention that means if science power is avoided that will not be ornamentation of science. Progress obtained in collaboration of art and drawing. Language, method, ornamentation or co-operation make beauty of the poetry excellence.

Due to special rule Charchagithi because first beauty in the Bengali Poetry: Devotee’s devotion method is the first phone of reading in Bengali literature. After Charchapad Srikrishnakithan, Mongal Kaibbaya, Baishnab Kaibbaya, Baishnab Padaboli, Nath Literature, Pothi literature was prevailing from the ancient to middle age, in this mediable age Bharatchandra first by the Biddasundar poetry presented love in the Bengali literature. In his poetry revolutionist Nababhabukatha, Rupbandand, Tijjak Bachan etc presented Prothisruthi Competition. As a result in Rithinista Poetry in language creation will have to obey him the pathway. Some Yogoruchi, Baishnab Padacharana and Lokocharcha though before Biddaya Sundar love of human is the result of Kaibba Sadana of Bharat Chandra. In this regard Baishnab Kaibbya was his patron. Akkarmatrik and Mathrabritha both were the skilled technician of the theme. In his poetry there were similarity of the use of rythem and thinking which is worth observe. Origin of the way of change was Bengali Poetry.
Miechal Madusudhan Datta may be call as poet of new method. After Bharat Chandra advent (Birth) of Miechal happened about hundred years. In Bengali language door of western culture opened in the Year 1801 after establishment Fort William College. We have got change to learn about different kinds of taste of western literature. But no expected program occurred in formation poetry. This system continued from Kabiwala to Iswargupta, Chitten, technical of Palowan of Chapan Ethor, Courtesy and filthiness and their difference etc worth observable. Rangalal in not called most efficient in sentence making. Bharat Chandra Captured the Bengali Poetry for long one year. Temporarily Ishwar Gupta though prevailing widely but Annada Mongal were the original poetry. In this respect Miechal Prospered Bengali poetry with patience and initiation which is noticeable. It is told rytheme: Shareswati was not easily advent to her as Jothi. He needed time to take control of the beauty of Amitra Chandra and its system. Praetice of reading and writing of European poetry opened his eyes. Service to mother language in rare literature he has given in Bengali Poetry. He Mahindra though his follower yet without practice of his rule of poetry he proceeded to his own method, though Nabin Chandra claim himself is the father of Lyrics or small poet, small poetry thinking in the year 1861 we see in the example of the expression of “Chintha Charangini” Nabin Chandra’s in his writing in the year 1866 AD. expressed his attraction to a widow Kamini. On the other hand “Sangit Sathak” OR “Bandhu Biyod” is published with in 1860-1962. In the status of modern “Githi Kabbaya” he was called modernism. But before 4-5 years Miechal Madhu Sudan Datta compiled “He Banga, Bhandare Thaba” in his poet. In Bangla Poetry system of modernism is held. As first chapter of modern literature this essay and age and Sharl Bodleyar is the imorted modernism of the poetry and continued modernism in the second part of his poetry. After 1960 modern materialistic poetry they think third chapter in Bangali poetry. Then after started age of science. After then age of science started. As follower of Biharilal we found him to come time to time. They are Surendra Nath Mazumder, Akkayakumar Boral and Rabindranath Tagore. Everybody know that Rabindra Nath Tagore reached Bangla Poetry to door to door in the world. But role of Satendra Nath Dutta, Kazi Nazrul Islam and Jatindranath Senguptha was also bright at that time. At present equality and secularismist poet Nazrul Islam has come to the western as an excellent as a great poet. Sattandranath has Proved his excellence in the poetry. They we influent by Mohithal Mazumdar, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Kaywnanidan and Kumodrangan Sathendranath Datta. Jatindranath Sen Gupta was against Rabindra and practical life based. In his poetry first from romantic and then practical way was compiled. In modern Bengali poetry first success and wonder reaches Jatindranath Datta was claimed my many. His similarity is found with English Poet Tomas Harding. Rabindranath was as poet of decency and charming Among them in disguise of thinkers equality and secular retheme Nazrul was excellent and wonderful. He showed his experience in using Kaithaya word. On the other side in the side of inspiration though Jatindranath was more advanced yet due to multi and various qualities of Rabindranath Tagore was more bright and advanced. He possess right of talent in retheme, ornamentation of sentence, intelligence in writing of the poetry. Excluding Rabindra and Nazrul in thirty part Budhudev Bashu, Sadindra Nath Datta, Jibonananda Das and Bishwn Dey is remarkable. They in change of language of the poetry, life saving word and over all in Practical meaning became careful. Jibonananda Das searching expression in the western religion, Pschyeelogical symbol. Though Surrealism or Parabasthab has been encircled but he was not adhere to follow sin of Bodleyar, darkness matter in the poetry. In the instance of sound and acting he acquired change following Bishnu Dey Bodleyer.

Buddudev has recognized change of mental religion though he is living in enclose of Bodleyer. Coming to the age of fifty poet Shaheed Quaderi and Shamsur Rahman like Bengali Poetry if adopted after liberation great image of Liberation War became point of writing poetry. On the other hand though Al Mahmud made people elements and rural element as his point in his poetry but later in it religion took place. In the poetry of Sunil Gangupdhaya, Nirmalendu Gune and Sakthi Chatrapadhaya use love and charming as element of poetry. In the poetry of Rafiqul Azad Charanbhat De Haramjada/ Otherwise there will not be map we are thinking for it where there place and thinking will be in the definition. But its gist is very clear. Ninety decade and twenty two decade both totally are the decade of science poetry and think that these two decade are full of poetry and its spreadation.

As per opinion of Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah, the period of Chorjapodo is from seventh century to twelfth century. From twelfth to middle thirteenth is the epoch of darkness. From middle of thirteenth century to eighteenth century is middle epoch. The great compositions in middle epoch are Mongolkabya, Sreekrishno Kirton, Boshnob Podaboli, Nath literature and Puthi literature. Exercise of new stream poems started from nineteenth century which is considered as modern poem to more people. Among the poet of that time Michael Modhusudhon Dutta, Hemchondra, Nobinchondra, Biharilal, Robindronath Tagore, Sottendronath Dutta, Kazi Nozrul Islam were under the light of the lamp. In thirtieth decade of twentieth century Sharl-BolLeyar of France started modernism poetry movement on the issues of sin, darkness and trifle matters. There joined Poet Budhodeb Boshu, Poet Jibonanondo Das, Poet Omio Chokroborty, Poet Shudhin Dutta and Poet Bishnu Dey with that movement. That stream was prevailed in Bangla literature up to fiftieth century. Mentionable last poets of that stream is Poet Shamsur Rohman, Al Mahmud and Shunil Gongopadhaya and Shonkhogosh etc. Sixtieth decade started with different test and experiments of post modern period. Among the pioneer poets of that time Nirmolendugun, Rofique Azad, Robiul Hussain, Abdul Mannan Syed and Shokti Chottopadhaya are mentionable. In eightieth century science poetry movement started with magic realism poet exercise. Because magic realism didn’t fulfill the demand of Bengoli poem epoch. For that I started science poetry movement in 1988. Among the science poet now Poet Belal Chowdhury, Poet Al Mujahidee, Poet Sohrab Hasan, Poet Sheikh Shamsul Haque, Poetess Shamsunnahar Faruk, Poet Rejauddin Stalin, Poet Mohan Rayhan, Poet Ferdous Salam, Poet Syed Hasmot Jalal, Poet Nahar Zahid, Poet Ali Mohammad Liakot, Poet Bodrul Haydar, Poet Reja Sarwar, Poetess Reena Talukdar, Poet Syed Rauno, Poet Tahmidul Islam, Poet Joglul Haydar, Poetess Shaheen Banu, Poetess Sabira Sultana, Rhyme composer Zakir Mojumdar, Poet Asif Md. Nozrul and others have created agitation in science poetry exercise. My science poet movement and science poem is now advancing to collect acknowledgement in local and abroad. From now that will highlighted gradually.

What is science poetry and why?
Science poetry is the poetry of science epoch. ‘Poetry will be science based and science will be poetry sheltered’ with this slogan I started science poetry movement in 1988. Then national poet organization Onuprash disclosed its close intimacy again with this slogan. Then a regular page of Onuprash used to publish regularly in daily newspaper. I continued my writing there in the composition titled ‘Notun Projonmer Kobita’ (poetry of new generation). Then Executive President of Onuprash Poet Sheikh Shamsul Haque provided me support. My speech was, science poetry will be the diagram of problems of science epoch and its solution. There should remain the practice in the poetry, such as: 1. The ice is now melting due to global warming. Due to that water level is increasing. Soil surface is decreasing, paddy production is decreasing, 2. Soil level is falling down due to use of machinery ploughs. So, fertility is decreasing, also area of land is decreasing, 3. Natural disaster is occurring due to chemical use in food and bio-gas effusion. Environmental disaster is eminent and the quality of food is falling down, 4. Valence is increasing to female and child. So due to scarcity human quality people are achieving the beastliness. 5. There decreasing the inter religious affection and equality. So there is increasing inter religious hurt and discrimination among the people. 6. Distance is increasing between the power and rich which causes to discrimination. 7. Cruel behaviour is occurring to the independent activists in the countries which causes the autocratic administration in the disguise of democracy. 8. Sexual independence is basic invention of human within the rules of religious activities- practice should be continued with this right. 9. It will be very sad news for the world to do any work which may cause environmental disaster. We should restrain ourselves from that.

10. Imaginary science should be taken in exercise of poetry. So that science mentality would be increased in thinking and consciousness of the generation.
11. Good and bad consequence of invention of science should be taken in simile of poetry and in delineate. So that the invention of science would become popular.
12. Poem practice should be done to resist killing arms. So that the humankind will get the opportunity to endure.
13. Human thought should be diverted to planet and constellation through poetry culture to make popular to reside in Mars for human.
14. Poem culture with the invention of science should be done directly so that the science would get preference in mass peoples’ consciousness.
15. The subject matter of the science poetry will be the evidenced facts. The subjects which are not proved by science those will not be the prop of poetry
16. To resolve the problem of the immigrants honourably there should be composed poetries related to immigrant issue.
17. Life related poetries would be composed so that the poetries would be for human or human would be the subject matter of poetries through correction of unreal poetries.
18. There should be done the increasing practice of biogas and sunbeam in poetries.

Poetry and science epoch:
That person who made the fire from the rubbing of stones he was the first scientist. But that was not the science era. In that very way from scientist Alexander Pope to A P J Abdul Kalam of present time all have written about the progress of science. Noble lariat in Chemistry Rold Hofman told, language of science is internally poetic. Once upon a time they were united. Poetry and science is the portrait of pleasure of human heart. They visited and traveled with Lucrosyus.

Alexander Pope didn’t hesitate to place the poetry and chemistry in the middle of his dream. Once upon a time scientists were called philosopher. One used to do in both areas or two persons used to do same work. Wanting of both the persons were regards to surrounding beauty to feel this fearful world. But now poetry become halua (a sweetmeat) in the name of dream. We are doing work to come out from this culture.

‘Biggan Kobitar Ruprekha’ (model of science poetry) a book was written by me published in 2014 A.D. Its second edition published in 2015 A.D. Books related to science poem ‘Shomoy Bodley Gechhe’ (time has been changed) in 2007 A.D., ‘Bhalobashar Boro Kichhu’ (something significant from love) in 2011 A.D. and ‘Eksho Koti Tejoshkriota’ (hundred crore radio-activity) published in 2012 A.D. There published two poem in the name of ‘Eksho Bochhor Por’ (after hundred years) and ‘Dusho Bochhor Por’ (after two hundred years) in the ‘Bhalobashar Boro Kichhu’ poem collection. One of those is such as- the destruction of the world will start from the industrially developed country Japan and America, the other is such as- different types of species will come to the world from other planet for research. There occurred the Fukusima accident in March after some days of publishing of Bhalobashar Boro Kichhu, which was published in February, 2011 A.D. The imagination of the science poet took place realy in such a way.

In science poetry movement my associate personality is Poet Reena Talukdar. A research collection book named ‘Biggan Kobitar Bhabona’ (thinking of science poetry) was written by her published in 2015 A.D. Regarding science poetry her opinion is as follows: Science Poetry- poetry composed with the coordination of person and materials through taking resort from science. Science poetry may be composed mainly from personalism and realistic feelings. The poet will arrange the science in ornamental order with his personal feelings or surrounding scenarios. Poetry is science sheltered. Here the poetry is structurally ordered, prose structured poetry may be from individually or materialistic. Science is slightly imaginary. Since it used to progress to prove the theme comprised from the dream of the poet and theory of the philosopher. Result may not be the same. Or that may be more or different than the thinking.

Some Science Poetry:
We used to evaluate and receive the science poetry in two ways. One of those is: poetry with science mentality in addition to the use of simile, surmise and portrait of science. The other is: the practice of science directly in simile, surmise and portrait. The poetry of the rocket scientist and former President of Indian A P J Abdul Kalam is:
An object to propel to the sky or
Don’t see to the fire as the
obstruction of the inauspicious power
It is a spark of Indian heart
no, do not think it as the appearance of missile
it seems hem around the glory of the nation
and that is its sole brightness.

Here I am presenting some of my poetries:


The walking at the morning
and after completion of dinner
all of those are fully healthy
go to bed early for sound sleep
have to rise early in the morning
if follow it regularly the Neuron will get active
also makes one active to participate in daily work


Most beloved of mine lives in Mars
in every moment
I watch that directly by telescope
through my window
I don’t know whether she looks me or not?
Her breathing becomes speedily
in created oxygen from gas radius

sexual intercourse with alien
to increase the excitement in blood circulation
I keep hold the mouse of computer


After two hundred years from this day
The human civilization has been destructed, natural disaster
New species came to the earth and started their research
Mill and factories of America Japan got oxidized
Habitation from north to south which become wreckage
Mills factories industrial area which were sonorous
Peoples became developed in activities and also finance
Modern economic system exploited human in level
Poisonous chemical did not forgive the civilization
Air, water, soil nothing got relief ………..


Think the situation what will happen after hundred years
what a devastation throughout the world
About six to seven crore people
ruined 90 percent land of this earth
stopped horizon wise imagination
Global warming and L Nino
always hitting the balance of the nature
Reducing the land level …


Nuclear radio-action has been suffering Japanese child
Their body is overturned for nuclear radio-action
Thyroid gland of forty five percent child of
Fukusima are attacked from radio-action
If there remain more radio action in thyroid gland
then that will be galloped to risk of cancer

Those who are writing science poetries in addition to me, some of their science poetries are presented below:

Human is coming through rending
the dark womb full of phosphorus
I the disciplined person waked up
I the rebel excavate the pleasing limitation
I the poet, growing the tree of love
nothing happened except love
having address anywhere
under the open sky
unknown lustful animal
from continuous intercourse
created a foetus unknowingly
flying here and there without identity
to engage himself for his end
tried to live like everyone
everything is dark to him
that’s a worst fine art of the nature.
(Bodrul Haidar)

E- means energy
it was told by Banarjee
M-means material
that is global
C- means course
Really of course
Course means light
good and bright
weight and energy equation
devised it Einstein
mommy also prepared
by the equation
M- means measurement
of every object
square of course of light
from which can get measurement
Atom has much more energy
from the equation it can get perfectly.
(Joglul Haydar)


Simple pin
in rend forehead
(Sheikh Shamsul Haque)

Lead in air
Oxygen is very few
Poisonous breathing
(Shamsunnahar Faruk)

Boishakhi love
mobile message
bashful smile.
(Reena Talukdar)


Mouse in hand
eye is to the monitor
searching you.
(Shamsunnahar Faruk)

You and I
(Reena Talukdar)

leap is on screen
of phone call
shameless love.
(Reena Talukdar)

String our love
temperature of upper body.
(Reena Talukdar)


Rocket life now in struggle

clean beauty let alive
walking in golden paddy field
there have difference and
searching to have solution.
(Sheikh Shamsul Haque)

Dearest and respectable teacher of math
for wrong answer became very sad
he is the master
straight threw duster
from sudden swoon he felt down
one his body now there affixed big plaster
(Shamsunnahar Faruk)

The red ball jumped through the tri faced road point
suddenly on a speedy bus
straight hard break
some one jumped through the window
that is our small child now in hospital
(Reena Talukdar)

When I walk on my foot
then one leg jumped over the sky.
(Manush Feroj)

Not in house, you are in planet
great is our loving birth land
you are for world tourism
engaged in going round the sun
rending the sylvan darkness
let get alive on the body of stars

Polluted air envy, injustice terrorism
Human felt down to the ignorance
restoration demanded, let free thinking be unfolded.
(Reja Sarwar)

My colossal sky
endless unlimited mass of water
assemblage of thousand crore stars
there have unlimited talking, moon flower starts
planet, gathered cloud, light-year
all of yours
where the life is an unlimited great poem
(Sabir Sultana)

Burning skull of a satellite is flying in sky
I eaten up that dissolved fire with everything
how can survive on this ferocious planet land if not be a demon
smoke storm are blowing, everyplace is going under water
who is singing ‘this is a moonlit night, all have gone to …’ and
scratching my heart and throwing to the great void ….
(Syed Hasmot Jalal)

Both the rhymes of our one young poet Zakir Mozumdar
are the regulator of supplementary and zero decade of science poem.
When he used to write- visit the face book to see face

Love in online
continued chat in skypi
couple detained in frame.
Picture of frame is very big
screened on monitor
relatives are seeing that on clicking
and smiling dimly
(Zakir Mojumdar)


Asha Moni from NASA
send message through channel
Bongokonna (girl of bengal) in now in panel
to go to Mars.
(Zakir Mozumdar)

I couldn’t check my avarice to mention a rhyme of mine

In planet and starts
see to the up
how large the sky is
different colored raft are floating
if possible go to that
through the raft, you will pass
and across planets and stars
there have more surprise for you
and have more relishes.

If a poet wants to assemble different kinds of splendor of life.
In the poetry if has to assemble different kinds of splendor then today a poet will have to write a science minded poetry. It is the work of a great poet to write poetry in holding time. Writing poetry to prevent injustice and to establish truth. Poetry creates captiousness and bring change in the society and is the weapon of social revolution and it is the main philosophy of the science poetry. So a science poet at first will have to bring man created natural disaster in his front. Subject matter of the science poet will be against manufacture of war weapons, natural disaster, devastation, meeting of snow, filling toe river, increase of water of the ocean, decrease of crop production, decrease of fertility, devastation of earth, support of liberation movement in country to country, revolution of saving earth, strop heinousness to children and female, maintain liberty of sex. Demonstrative mater of science poetry are invention of different science and research of science poetry about its merits and demerits. We have to come to the system of the poet of the coming days and will have to be poet of life time. Different invention of science, undiscovery, merits and demerits, its example and deny etc including all these will be alive in the future, we are destroying river and nature. On the other side in our poetry in its wide research will prove worthlessness of our merit. In Bangladesh Padma has dried, the nature has become devastated and giving its instance writing poetry is the ignorance of our conscience. Poet is the creator of truth, poet means Kranthidarship. Advance realization and telling truth is the work of the poet. Poet is the worshipers of the truth. False practice is not the work of honest poet. In one word if a poet cannot be a truth and ecliptic cannot be a poet. So poet must alert the nation. Will have to tell what is danger and reason of fear. To show false dream is not the work of the poet. Poet will save his nation by giving advance caution about danger. Showing dream and sleeping creating idleness many not be the work of the poet and may not be conscience of the poet.

It is no doubt that not is the time of science poem. Now will have to write environmental and science minded poem. Then with the progress Bengali poem will be able to get world leadership.

এই সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুনঃ

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